Wednesday, September 19, 2012

about priorities

In Journey18:25 for the past three weeks, we have been discussing priorities.


noun \prī-ˈȯr-ə-tē, -ˈär-\
plural pri·or·i·ties

(1) : the quality or state of being prior (2) : precedence in date or position of publication
(1) : superiority in rank, position, or privilege 
(2) : legal precedence in exercise of rights over the same subject matter
: a preferential rating; especially : one that allocates rights to goods and services usually in limited supply 
: something given or meriting attention before competing alternatives

It's one of those seemingly easy, yet not so much, subjects.

It gets especially difficult when what we state as our priorities is not how we actually live.

For example, if I said reading was one of my priorities, but I never picked up a book, that would be strange. And a lie. And confusing.

In our study of priorities, we focused on the verse in Matthew 6 that says "Where your treasure is, that's where your heart is going to be."

We equated treasure with the two things people treasure most:  time and money.

So, where you spend your time, and where you spend your money, that's where your heart is going to be.

We've talked about the reality of where we are spending the majority of our time and our money to show us what are priorities currently are.

And then we decided what we want our priorities to be.

Tonight, in our last discussion, we will map out a plan that, with God's help, will get us headed in the right direction.

I think I've landed with this list of priorities, for now...although I'm sure it will change in the future:

  1. My relationship with God
    • Bible
    • Prayer
  2. My relationship with family
    • Aaron
    • Parents and other family
  3. Preparing for our future
    • My job
    • Saving money
  4. Health
    • Exercise
    • Eating right
  5. Ministry
    • Journey Church
      • Journey Kids
      • Journey Worship
      • Journey18:25
Now, I know I have some work to do for my life to actually reflect this list! I struggle with balancing all of this. It's easy to shove off going on a walk or sitting down to study and journal to do something else seemingly more pressing.

I've said it before, we are typically very busy. To make what I say is important actually the important stuff, some other not-so-important stuff might have to go.

I'm looking forward to sitting down with my small group tonight and discussing a practical plan to make my priorities a reality!

More to come on this later!

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