Friday, September 21, 2012

a Friday flashback

I promised yesterday to regale you with the events that unfolded on our hike back from the greenway near our house...

Let's flashback to...

Last Saturday, September 15, 2012...

The greenway is approximately .6 miles from the entrance of our neighborhood. There is no sidewalk. For about half the way there, they have mowed through a trail of the long grass and there is hay to walk on...we think they might have plans to pour a sidewalk. The other half of the way, you have to walk on the narrow shoulder of the road, or else plow through two feet of grass and bugs.

Anyway, the way there was fairly uneventful. We used Nike+ to track how far we were going. We only walked about 1.5 miles because of my back and Penny's little legs. Then we turned around.

We were literally about 10 steps from the entrance of our neighborhood when it all went down...

Aaron and Penny were walking in front of me, and Aaron starts muttering something.

"What?" I say.

"There are so many bugs in this grass! I hate it!"

I rolled my eyes, unbeknownst to him. "Well, we are outside, you know. Besides, the bugs are just as scared of you. They'll leave you alone....


At that moment (Coincidence?!), a loud buzzing mutant bee thing came out of nowhere and flew around my head. What are the chances?!

I might add here that my two worst fears of the animal kingdom are bees and sharks. I've never encountered a shark, thank God. Bees, on the other hand, stung me constantly as a child. I. Hate. Bees.

So, I of course, freaked out. I do not shriek and flail about much ever because I'm pretty chill.

But I made up for it then.

And of course we were right next to the main road by the entrance of the neighborhood.

And then I felt it sting me!!

So I freaked out more. And I threw my sunglasses to the ground. And ripped my pony tail out halfway.

As I proceed to jump around and brush at my hair frantically and scream, Aaron just stands there laughing a little because I'm sure I did look ridiculous and keeps saying, "It's huge!! It's stuck in your hair!!"

"Get it off!!"

"Stop moving then!"

When I finally get it un-stuck from my hair, Aaron yells, "RUN!!"

So I did. Probably as fast and haphazardly as I've run in a very long time!


So I ran faster.

Then I hear, "OH NO! NOW IT'S CHASING ME!"

I'm sure we were a sight to see.

My hair was flung all over the place and I was running like a crazy person.

Aaron is flailing around behind me holding Penny with a leash dragging behind him as he runs.

And we had a stupid giant bee thing flying after us.

Finally, winded, we stopped running when we thought we were surely in the clear.

Out of breath, I remarked, "We...are never...walking to the greenway...again..."


And the bees win again...

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