Wednesday, September 26, 2012

another post on priorities

Last week, I told you we were finishing up a discussion on priorities in Journey18:25. This discussion has challenged me a lot, mainly because my priorities haven't been lining up quite right.

It's an easy answer as a Christian to list God as my first priority. But truthfully, I really want that to be the case. And not just "first" as if He's some separate thing. But that he's first in all that I do, say, and think. I want to view everything through His Word.

I've lived through times when I have put God first in everything, and those times have always been more freeing and fruitful.

So, it's the ever puzzling battle of flesh versus surrender. I often feel like Paul when he wrote his letter to the church in Rome. This is all from Romans 7. To paraphrase, "I know what is good and I want to do it, but I keep doing the wrong thing instead. I do what I don't want to do. I don't do what I want to do!"

It's exhausting. But, thankfully, Paul doesn't leave it on that note. He asks, "Who will save me from this?" And he answers himself, just like I know this answer too, "God will do it through Jesus living in me!"

So, I know God will help me. But, I know I have to play my part too!

It's cool because Jimmy's message at Journey on Sunday went along with what I've been thinking and praying about from our talks in Journey18:25 as well. He talked about how to know God better, we must spend time with Him. And the more time we spend with Him, the more we'll want to. And the clearer we will hear Him speak.

To start out small, this week, I have gotten back to spending time in His Word and journaling. I have been reading my Bible quite regularly lately, but I know for me, journaling is what helps me think on what I've read and remember it throughout my day. I've not journaled in so long. It's good to be back at it!

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