Monday, January 25, 2016

Maisy's birth story part 3

Isabel asked me if I felt like I could wait a few minutes to start pushing so she could run out and gather what we needed and call the doctor. 

I said that was fine, and while she was gone Aaron texted our family that it was time to have a baby!

Isabel came back and said the doctor was on his way. She helped me get readjusted in the bed and asked me if I remembered what to do. I admitted that I needed a little refresher.  As soon as she started talking, it all came back to me. I was ready! Right around 5:25am I started my first set of pushes. After three pushes I asked her if I was doing it right and if it was working.

"Um, yes. You're doing great. We should probably slow down a little and give the doctor time to get here."

That was definitely reassuring.

We did a couple more sets of pushes. The doctor came in around 5:30am. His name was Dr. Campbell and he was not a doctor from my OB practice. He apologized for not coming in the room earlier to introduce himself. "I've been sleeping off a migraine for the last three hours!" he informed us.

I suppose it was good I didn't need to deliver any earlier!

He glanced down to check the progress of the delivery. "Woah! Give me time to put my gloves on!"

Isabel told me to push on the next contraction but to not push very hard so that Dr. Campbell had time. I complied, and then Dr. Campbell took his place.

"Hey dad," he spoke to Aaron, "here's the metal." He held up the scissors to cut the umbilical cord. Aaron and I both laughed.

"Yeah, those aren't for me," Aaron said.

I told Dr. Campbell that Aaron was pretty squeamish and that being in the room for the baby being born was miracle enough!

It was time to push again. After three more, Dr. Campbell told me to really concentrate on pushing for 10 full seconds each time.

I agreed, but asked somebody to count for me. It was easier for me to count to 10 very fast at this point, as it's pretty tiring to push out a baby.

The next contraction came quickly and Isabel counted to 10 for me during each push. After the third one, Dr. Campbell told me that the baby's head was out and I just needed to give one more big push.

I did. And out she came! It was 5:42am and I had only started pushing 20 minutes before.

I couldn't see her very well at first, but Dr. Campbell held her up for a few seconds. Even in the mess of just coming out, she was beautiful and had a full head of dark hair.

"She's a girl, right?" I had to confirm my very last slight concern. His hand was covering a very crucial area so I couldn't actually see for myself! We had a giant explosion of pink at home and were very prepared for a little girl. Ha!

"Yep! It's a girl!"

Dr. Campbell laid her down. I couldn't see very well what he was doing, but I knew he was getting ready to cut her cord. Then next thing we knew, blood went everywhere, all over sweet Maisy.

The doctor laughed and reassured us, "I promise I didn't just hurt your child! She grabbed her cord and yanked it before I could finish cutting it!" He wiped her off.

Maisy had to go over with the other nurse in the room after that and I sent Aaron with strict orders to take a lot of pictures and videos.

Then came all of the other not-fun stuff for me. I had not been looking forward to this part and feel like it is kind of the worst part. Probably because I would rather be holding my new baby or at least be able to watch her better as she got weighed and such.

Anyway. I won't bore you with all of the labor aftermath. It was over soon enough. Finally, I got to hold sweet Maisy Kate.

She was perfect, and she even listened to me and was smaller than her brother when he was born. She was 8 pounds, 2 ounces of pure cuteness.

After awhile, Aaron's parents and my mom came in to meet her. My mom said that my dad texted that Graeme woke up right at 5:45. I joked that he must have sensed something was off. His new baby sister was born just minutes before that!

My mom left to go help my dad with Graeme and said they would bring him by in a couple of hours. Aaron's parents stayed for awhile longer and got to see Maisy's first bath and all of that fun stuff.

They offered to get us breakfast from Chick-fil-a, but I opted for something a little more bland from the hospital room service.

We were finally able to make the short trip to our hospital room and relax after they left. It was hard to believe that it was pretty much exactly 12 hours from the time my water broke at home to when Maisy made her way into the world.

I am so thankful for another healthy, quick delivery. Aaron thinks I'm crazy because after it was over and he asked me how I was, I replied, "I'm good. That was fun!"

"Fun?! What's wrong with you?"

"Well, fun might be the wrong word..."

Maisy, whether or not it's crazy, I did have so much fun bringing you into the world! I'm so glad you're here and that I get to be a mommy to a little girl. You are a princess of the King and we pray that your little heart will love Jesus always! Mommy and Daddy love you so very much. And so does Graeme...even if he doesn't know it yet!

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