Sunday, September 2, 2012

about MiNi CiTy

At Journey, our kids are grouped into three main groups: theBLOCK, MiNi CiTy, and UPTOWN. theBLOCK is 0-3, MiNi CiTy is 3-5, and UPTOWN is K-5th. 

I am the director for MiNi CiTy.

It may sound fancy. It's not really. But it is fun! What do I do? 

During the week I make sure our MiNi CiTy teachers have everything they need to be ready for Sunday. We have all of their supplies for them, but they have a lesson to look over that has a bottom line for the month, a verse for the month, and a story to drive home for that week.

On Sunday, the kids come into their small groups divided out by age group. They do a few activities to introduce the story for the day. Then, we head out to large group, my favorite! In large group, we have a time of worship with some high energy music, and then hear our awesome story for the day. The story drives home the bottom line (a really simple truth about God that a preschooler can learn and remember)! Then, the kids head back to small groups for a snack (of course) and some application activities that further explain our story! Before they go home, they get a Small Talk card to give to their parents that has fun activities to continue what we learned in MiNi CiTy at home! That means, all week, the kids are hearing from their parents what they heard from their teachers at church! Two influences speaking the same thing is better than one!

I love Sundays! I love serving alongside our awesome team of volunteers. I love hearing kids of all ages sing praises and learn scripture! It's the best job ever!

For September, our bottom line in MiNi CiTy is "God loves me!" (I told you it was simple!) That means, at least 20 times today, they heard the question, "Who loves you?" and the answer, "God loves me!" All month long we will drive that into their heads and hearts, so when they grow up, they won't forget it!

If you are looking to be a part of something bigger than you, I encourage you to jump in to Journey Kids or the kids ministry at your church! Kids aren't your thing? There's so many other areas to make a difference and serve in your local church! Get plugged in!

And check out the link on the right side for Orange...

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