Thursday, November 8, 2012

about where we are right now

I am sitting on a comfy KING-sized bed in a lovely Hampton Inn in Murfreesboro, TN as I write this.

Where is Murfreesboro, you ask?

Well, it's about 30 minutes southeast of Nashville.

Why are we in some random town in Tennessee, you ask?

Well, I'll tell you.

Before we got married, Aaron applied for a mentorship program with Jim Wideman called INFUSE. Instead of trying to explain INFUSE myself, I'll just copy the description for you from the website. For more info about it, go here.

What’s infuse?
Infuse is a 6 month mentoring experiences available to 30 selected children’s pastors and leaders. (Next available session begins September 2013) This program is offered each year during the months of September through February. Infuse is open to any leader with a desire to learn and a willingness to commit themselves to whatever it takes to go to your desired level. Candidates are chosen from the application process regardless of the size of your present church, your age or your experience level.
Infuse is more than a program or curriculum. It’s a 6-month mentoring experience with Jim....

So, Aaron applied back in 2010 and got in. He loved it so much, and learned so much, that he's stuck with it for two more years.

This is our fifth INFUSE retreat. It is a nice three-day getaway. Aaron comes away refreshed and with so many new ideas and insights about what he's doing. He's met friends that he talks to weekly still.

I also come away refreshed just from the sheer break from our busy life in Raleigh. And it's always right after my birthday, so I have gift cards galore for the mall and outlets. It's a good time.

I get to go to a couple meals with the group, so I enjoy meeting other guys and girls from ministries all over the country. There are people here from big churches, small churches, new churches, old churches. Some have been in ministry for years, some for weeks.

It's an amazing experience and there is so much to learn from others.

It's awesome to be reminded that God is not just at work in our little bubble in Raleigh. He is everywhere. He is moving all across the country.

Anyway, that's where we are. I have much to tell you about already. Look forward to posts from Day 1 and Day 2 later today. Plus, I have 3 stories that make one or both of us look crazy, so those are always fun...

Sorry for the blog overload to come...

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