Friday, November 9, 2012

a Friday flashback

This flashback spans our marriage. Something that has been a consistent issue.

What is it?

Well, it all pans down to...

A fan.

I, for as long as I can remember, have needed a fan in my bedroom.

Said fan was ALWAYS to be on. And it was to be on high.

If I came in my room and the fan was off, it was immediately turned on.

I just can't stand to be in a bedroom without the sound of a fan.

So, I don't need it for the cooling off of the room as much as I just need the noise of it. But, since it does make the room cold on high, that just goes along with it.

Aaron knew this, but apparently he still thought it was something we could discuss and change. Silly boy.

We never installed a ceiling fan in our apartment, but we did have a stand-up fan.

When that broke, we used a desk fan for awhile.

The desk fan also moved to our house and was our fan until we finally bought a ceiling fan and had my dad install it.

That was last fall, so we've had it a year. And it has been on all year. I remember a minor "discussion" of the fan when it started to get cold last year. But it was quickly silenced.

Aaron must have forgotten that the fan must still be on in the winter this year. It started to get pretty cold at night a couple weeks ago...

Flashback to...a couple weeks ago...

We got in bed, and I'll admit it WAS cold in our room.

Aaron started whining and complaining about "that fan!"

"Can we pleeease turn it off?"


"Whitneeeey! I'm gonna freeze!"

"You'll warm up. It's fine." 

But, like I said, it was quite cold. I thought for a minute.

"Well, I guess we can try putting it on medium."

He jumped up all excited. He pulled the chain once. The wonderful hum noise was immediately silenced by at least half.

"No, no, no. This won't due. I need the noise!"

"Use the noisemaker on your phone!!"

"It's not the same!"

"But I'm freezing!"

"I need it back on high!"

Suddenly, I had a revelation.

"Oh! Lets reverse the blades!"

"Oh! Ok!"

Aaron got back up and turned the fan off by the switch on the wall so he could flip the switch on the fan to reverse the blades.

He waited for it to stop spinning, flipped the switch, and went back to the wall to turn it back on.

Just as he turned it on, he said, " you think we should have dusted it first?"

As thousands of dust balls started to rain ALL over the room. 

"Oh. Oops. I thought I just dusted it a couple weeks ago..."

Needless to say, we spent the next ten minutes picking up dust, turning the fan off, dusting the blades, and finally settling back into bed.

I had my high fan noise. And the cold air was blowing up to the ceiling instead of directly on us.

I don't think Aaron was completely satisfied still, but oh well. He has his Vinylmation hobby...that's what I blame when I want something. :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you and I are the same – the sound of a fan helps me get to sleep. I’m glad you were able to find a solution between what you wanted and what Aaron wanted. You might want to be cleaning your fan more regularly after this incident though! Heehee!

    Staci Severns
