Saturday, November 3, 2012

about my birthday

It's taken me awhile to get to this post. But, here it is. I know you have all been dying to hear about my birthday.

Just kidding.

But, one day I might want to look back in the archives and read about what I did on my 25th birthday.

So, here's the story...

I woke up on my birthday and it was so cold and dreary because of the pending hurricane up north.

But, it was my birthday, so oh well.

I got ready and headed off to work where I came upon my first birthday surprises.

I love the family that I work for. :)

I got a pretty balloon, beautiful flowers, hand-made cards from Bensen and Keyen, and a gift card to Olive Garden!

Sorry for the rest of you who don't get that at their jobs...

Bensen made sure to tell me "Happy Birthday," and give me his card. It was so sweet.

After that, the boys had breakfast and Aaron came over with Starbucks. He is the greatest husband in the world, and offered to come to work with me for the morning on my birthday.

It was a HUGE help to have him there as free entertainment on a rainy, cold day. The boys had a great time playing with him until lunch time. And then he left when they took a nap.

The boys must have realized it would be nice to take extra long naps on my birthday too. :)

I left work, a little nervous about getting my flowers home. They made it home fine though, thanks to my cleverness and Keyen's carseat.

The birthday celebration was to continue!

Aaron had the house all warm and cozy for me when I got home. He gave me a sweet card and gift before we hopped in the car to head downtown for my birthday dinner with my family.

When I walked in, my parents had gotten me birthday balloons like they do every year. I promise I'm 25, not 5.

My mom made flank steak with this amazing sauce, potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, and rolls. It was so good. I created a new family favorite I think.

After story time with my dad (he tells the best, true stories from his childhood), it was time for presents. My mom knows me well.

We've been searching for something for our mantle, and she found the perfect start to it.

The picture's not great, but it looks really good. I also got gift cards, per my request. 

For dessert, my mom made her famous creme brûlée.

It was clearly delicious.

And to finish off the night, we played a game of Aggravation, which I won. For my birthday, you know.

It was a great day! Thanks to Aaron, my friends, and my family for making my birthday so special!

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