Friday, November 2, 2012

a Friday flashback

Today is November 2nd.

November 2nd marks a pretty special day.

I think so anyway.

On November 2, 2008, Aaron (in a roundabout way) asked me to go out with him. Or whatever you want to call it.

You can read the whole story of how Aaron and I got together from my perspective herehere, and here.

But, to recap some of that now that it's been a few years, here's my story as I see it today. 

Let's flashback to...

Sunday, November 2, 2008...

After a "date" with Aaron on Halloween night that neither of us had spoken about since, I was getting pretty antsy. My friend and small group leader had taken me out for my birthday and by the end of the night, he was holding my hand.

I mean, I hadn't had much experience with boys. And by "much" I mean "none."

But, needless to say, I was pretty sure a boy that was just a friend didn't hold a girl's hand for an hour.

I was positive it wasn't a dream though.

And there I sat in a borrowed Mustang with Aaron after a Sunday afternoon of hanging out together. He still hadn't brought it up. I was determined not to bring it up first. Maybe I was crazy and it was a dream.

I was worried he was going to take me back to my car and we would end another day without resolving the tension, when finally, he spoke. "Want to get some coffee?"

Not really, but with you, sure. I thought to myself. I wasn't a big coffee drinker back then.

"Sure. Where?"

We ended up at the Starbucks downtown on Peace Street.

After we ordered and sat down at a table by the window, he finally spit it out.

"So, I think I like you."

He thinks he likes me? Thinks? What am I supposed to think about that?

"Ok..." Now's a good time to say words, Whitney.

He stared at me, waiting.

"" There you go!

He smiled. And I smiled back.

"Let's walk."


We went outside. It was chilly. But I was burning up and sweating and nervous as all.

"I don't really know how to do this..." I tried to convey my complete lack of experience with all of this.

He seemed surprised.

I was too, but for different reasons. I couldn't believe that a boy was interested me. And not just any boy. Aaron. He was the boy of my dreams.

We walked. He talked mostly. I nodded and tried not to let my voice shake too much when I did talk.

He wanted to date me. I definitely wanted to date him. And we would see what happened.

After it was all settled, I threw my coffee cup in a trash can we passed. It made a loud thud.

"Did you even drink any of that?!" he asked.

To be honest, I had completely forgotten about it. It was now cold.

"I drank some of it!"

We laughed.

"So, do I get to hold your hand again?" I asked coyly. I guess that was flirting on my part.

He smiled, but didn't take my hand.

"I'm sorry about that. Well, I mean, I'm not sorry, but I wanted to talk to you first. I didn't mean to rush things."

"I didn't mind." I really, really didn't.

He still didn't hold my hand that night. I was disappointed, but not too disappointed. It was still a great night.

By the next week, he asked to hold my hand again. But that's a story for another day.

So, happy "dating anniversary," Aaron Jack! I'll still tease you forever about not holding my hand that night. But, I'm glad you asked me out. I'm glad I said yes. Who knew four years ago that'd we be where we are now? Well, besides our Story-Writer. :)

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