Saturday, November 24, 2012

about Vinylmations galore

Well, the Vinylmation madness has now reached a new level around here.

We have purchased our first entire case. That's 24 Vinylmations. It's the only way to ensure you get the coveted "Chaser." There's only one Chaser per case, and if you don't happen to get that one by luck, it's money, money, money on Ebay.

Now, there were rules to this purchase, because a case of Vinylmations is around $300.00. Insanity, I realize.

  1. Aaron had to save up gift cards which he received for his birthday.
  2. Aaron had to sell half of the Vinylmations at cost.
  3. I got to help open the Vinylmations.
So, anyway, Aaron had his heart set on the new Disney/Pixar collection of Vinylmations which came out at midnight pacific time last Friday. That's 3:00am here.

He woke up at 2:50am (now, mind you, I was sound asleep) to make his long awaited purchase.

Unfortunately for Aaron, before he could enter in all of his gift cards, the Disney Store removed the case from his shopping cart and it sold out, all within ten minutes.

Sad day for him.

But, don't worry. He awoke with a renewed vigor and headed to our local Disney Store an hour before they even opened.

I was at work when I got his triumphant phone call:  he had scored the very last case they had, beating another lady by mere seconds.

To make his day even better, the Disney Store threw in a FREE case of the Circus Vinylmations. We had turned up our noses at those, but hey, they were free!

He waited patiently for me to get home, and we embarked on our first Vinylmation opening party.

Excited! Penny was too...
The Pixar case was up first. That's 24 Vinylmations:  2 sets of 11, plus 1 chaser, plus 1 "filler" (a third one of something)
Opening the first one...

And wouldn't you know was the chaser! If only we could be so lucky when buying them individually at the store...
We took turns, making our way through the box.
I had fun too.
And there they are!
Nemo is my favorite.
We went on to open the Circus case, which is also fun.

And, to make it all a really great time, Aaron's Vinylmation buddy Adam was very excited to purchase the other half of both cases. So, we ended up with 24 Vinylmations for about $50 because of the gift cards. And, that, my friends, is actually a very good deal, considering Vinylmations run at about $12 each.

I can also assure you though, we will not be buying cases willy nilly now.

Hear that, Aaron?

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