Tuesday, November 20, 2012

a weekend recap

Happy Tuesday!

It's been a great last few days.

Friday night:  we had our friends, Adam and Kaitlin over. They are fun and we like them. And to make Friday night even better, they brought their puppy over. Crowder and Penny hit it off and played for three hours straight. They were both exhausted at the end of the night. It's so wonderful to have friends to relax with after a long week.

Saturday morning/afternoon:  we had a LEADsmall training at Journey for our Journey Kids and Journey Students leaders. Aaron co-led this with our student pastor, Smooth. It was a five hour training, and I'll be honest, I was not exactly looking forward to spending most of my Saturday doing that. I should have known by now that whenever I feel that way about something at Journey, it's just a lie from the enemy trying to get me down. It was a GREAT day, and the five hours flew by. It was so nice to be reminded why we do what we do every weekend. I would do it again this Saturday in a heartbeat. Oh, and did I mention why I was almost late to the training? Well, there was a house in the road, obviously.

Saturday evening:  we had an early Thanksgiving dinner with Aaron's family. My in-laws, as well as my niece and nephew were there. We had SO much food...I can't believe we usually have that much food the same day that we eat at my parents' house for Thanksgiving. This year, it worked out nicely to have the Bauer Thanksgiving early since my grandparents are coming to town (today!). We ate, ate, and watched a short Christmas movie with Samuel. I love time with family and wish it was all the time.

Sunday morning:  back to Journey we went this weekend, which was wonderful since we weren't there last week. I led worship with MiNi CiTy first hour, and second hour I had a worship team meeting. In our meeting, we had a refresher of our calling as worship leaders and the responsibility we hold when we are on the stage. It was great to hear from our worship pastor, Josh

After that was over, I swung by and picked Penny up from the groomer. She looks so pretty when she's clean and brushed.

Sunday afternoon/night:  we had Chinese take-out for lunch while we watched Friends. Then, we proceeded to sleep for two hours. Two, wonderful hours of napping. It was much-needed. After a nap, we watched TV, and The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D. We got a scary phone call from my mom that they were taking my little brother to the emergency room for chest pain when he breathed. They thought it might be a cracked rib, but after a lot of X-rays, the doctors said it was most likely just muscle spasms. He is doped up now and sleeping a lot. We are glad it wasn't anything serious!

Monday morning/afternoon:  it was back to work for me. I had a good day with the boys and then headed straight to get my haircut. Then straight home to cook dinner, clean up the house, make some cookies, and get ready for my grandparents who are coming over tonight for dinner. Yay!

So, if you didn't want to know all about my weekend, sorry. There it was. Now, if I can just make it through one more day of work, the Thanksgiving festivities can really begin.

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