Saturday, January 12, 2013

about my project this past week

Several months ago, Aaron and I were at Target and saw some picture frames that looked like old windows.

And I loved them.

But, as with anything we love that costs money that is not essential, we sit on it for awhile.

So, we didn't buy them.

Then, after Christmas, we were at Target gathering clearance Christmas things for next year, when we saw them again.

And I still loved them.

And we had Christmas money.

So, we bought them.

And we bought some other random decor things to go with them.

And I was so excited.

We bought them with the intention of decorating the walls going up our steps, which are still completely empty. We quickly called my parents and told them there was work to be done. Remember, we aren't handy at all.

With those plans in order, the window frames now needed pictures.

I have become quite the "Instagrammer" this past year, especially doing the photo a day.

I've taken hundreds of pictures of our everyday life. And I knew there were websites that would print your Instagram photos. I found one that would do just what I was picturing in my head.

They are called I ordered 48 pictures from my Instagram and 48 from Aaron's. 

We got them on Monday, and they. are. so. pretty.

If you have Instagram, you should order some. They also print photo books, calendars, and other fun things with your photos.

So, Tuesday, I busied myself with framing pictures.

First, I worked on these other little frames we bought. They all had red string which had to be removed.

I put white ribbon on them instead and picked a few pictures for them.

I then moved on to our window frames. It was no small task, I quickly realized. My beloved frames were quite time-consuming to disassemble and reassemble.

Their handles were screwed in.

They each had 16 of these little tabs that had to be loosened to get the frame apart. And then tightened to put it back together.

It took awhile. 

Then, I sorted all of the pictures. Penny helped got in the way a lot.

I put the pictures on top of the frames next and tried to decide how I wanted to tape them in there.

Penny finally fell asleep and left me alone when I was basically done.

I taped the pictures down and reassembled the frames. I can't wait to hang them up!

More pictures to come after we get them on the wall. And by "we" I mean my dad. He rocks.

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