Thursday, January 24, 2013

a whole lot of random


I was ready for a change of appearance around here. Here being the blog, I mean. So, new template. 

Today is one of those days where my hands will not warm up. I am warm otherwise. I would put gloves on, but it would be so cumbersome to type. Cumbersome, indeed. I'll survive.

We were on a trip last week. I am sorry if you are tired of post after post of pictures with very little content. It was all I had to give at the time. Thanks for putting up with it. I had planned to sit down and type out profound things and such. But, my mind wasn't having it. I could never sit down long enough to concentrate on writing. At least our trip is thoroughly documented now.

We did have a great trip. It's always a bit odd-feeling to come back from vacation. The weights of certain realities waiting at home feel heavier the closer you get to being back. On vacation, and especially at Disney, where "dreams come true," it's easy to not think about sad things and hard things and looming things.

Therefore, I usually cry when we leave a vacation. This time, I did not. I was way too excited to get home to Penny. She gave us the warmest welcome. Everything is right again now that we are all back together in our house. 

And sad things and hard things and looming things are not in our hands anyway. And that makes it exciting to come home too. Because we love what we do. And if God is for us, who can stand against us?

It takes a couple days to get back into routine though.

Aaron has been brave and jumped right back to work the very same day we got back. He's my hero.

It throws us off to miss a Sunday. So, the beginning of this Sunday will feel a little strange. But after one service, it will all come back. It will be good. We missed it. Sundays aren't quite the same without the controlled chaos that is Journey Kids.

January is almost over. Which means our month of "no plans" is almost over. But, I think that's good too. I'm ready to see friends again. The dates are already filling up the calendar.

Our niece turns one year old today. So that's very cool. Oh how a year flies by. She has the best smile.

After going to Disney, Aaron and I firmly decided that days and days at Disney World are not healthy for children under 5. Maybe even under 7. It is too intense. But, we are all the more excited to have kids old enough to take. We best get working on will be awhile.

I am praying for snow tomorrow, but I won't hold out hope. I would love that though. I love snow.

I have a lot of thoughts stirring around and posts that have been put into a list "To write." They are coming next week.

But, for today, here's the above. This conglomeration of thoughts and whatnot.

Now to go compose a fun Friday Flashback for tomorrow, because I have a good one for you...

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