Thursday, January 10, 2013

about money


It comes and it goes.

But mostly goes, I think.

We try not to place too much weight on money around here. It's important, but it's not. You know?

We definitely are thankful for every bit of it. We definitely know Who it comes from. We  love worshipping by giving it right back to Him. We love giving money to help those less fortunate than us as well.

We like to save money up in case of emergencies. I have worked for the past two years to do that very thing.

We don't worry about having money or losing money. God will always provide our needs.

We are not careless with our money, but we by no means hoard it. We don't see anything wrong with the fun aspect of having money. Hey, we love Apple and Disney. 

Plus, God knows when we have kids our fun with money will probably shoot right out the window...

I digress.

We have attempted budgeting our money on and off since we got married. We were doing really well with a budget when we first got married. Right up until I got a job. Then, we discovered we had a nice cushion of money and a budget wasn't so necessary. Plus, bless my husband, he just couldn't remember to keep up with it, and it was the last thing I wanted to deal with when I got home from work or on the weekend.

Now that that wonderful cushion is gone, back to a budget we go.

I have bravely volunteered to keep track of our family budget. Going along with that is paying bills.

Now, mind you, I have never paid bills in my whole life. So that was interesting to learn. I was pretty excited about it.

I am actually having a lot of fun keeping up with the budget so far. I like marking off the bills as I pay them. I like it when we budgeted too much money for something and there is extra. I like knowing where each dollar is going.

It has also really helped us cut back on our "on a whim" spending.

I didn't stop for a cup of coffee the other day. Aaron didn't buy a Vinylmation the other day in order to save his "entertainment" budget for later this month.

Oh the Vinylmations...

They'll be the first things to go one day if we need food or something, you know that, Aaron? Right?

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