Wednesday, December 12, 2012

an opinion on Christmas shopping

I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas shopping.

I love the actual shopping part and crossing things off the list and buying things for the people I love.

I hate the planning and thinking and crowded part of Christmas shopping.

This year, we were trying to find a day that we could even go out shopping. Aaron suggested doing our shopping online.

I debated this because I've never done Christmas shopping online, and change is always a big deal for me.

I decided to give it a try, and get most of the shopping done over the world wide web. At least as much as I could.

Last week, I sat down with the computer and a list of names and set to work.

Oh. Goodness.

I'm not saying I hated it. I definitely didn't love it.

But, I do know this:  it sure isn't any less time-consuming!

I spent three hours. Three hours. shopping online. And we only buy for immediate family (plus Bensen and Keyen). So we're only talking like 12 people total. 

I still had to brainstorm gifts. And then when I would pick them I would have to compare prices. And then I tried to find as many online coupons as I could for free shipping or what not.

And I'm still not even finished!

It took forever and it hurt my brain. And I don't have the immediate satisfaction of walking out with my gifts.

That's all I really have to say about it.

I might go with good old-fashioned stores for the rest of my shopping this year...

1 comment:

  1. I shopped online this year on the weekend after Black Friday, and I found a lot of good deals. I bet you're getting even better deals than I was however. :)
