Friday, December 28, 2012

a Friday flashback

I don't have an introduction to this Friday flashback because I'm still a little sad about it.

Let's flashback to...

Christmas Eve 2012...

We arrived home from my parents, and I went upstairs to take a shower while Aaron tended to Penny and wrapped a package that arrived while we were gone.

After I was out, he was going to get in the shower, and then we were going to watch A Christmas Story.

"I'll go ahead downstairs and light the candles and get the movie ready," I offered.

"Okay. But, if you're going to turn on the fireplace, move your stocking because I just stuffed your stocking and there are some things in it that might melt."

"Oh. Good idea. I hadn't thought about that. I better move yours too."

I went downstairs and started lighting the candles. We love candles, especially at Christmas.

After I finished lighting the candles, I went over the the mantle to remove our beautiful stockings. I love them. 

I first set them on the couch, but quickly decided against that because I didn't want Penny to mess with them.

I carried them over to the kitchen counter. Mine was in my right hand, and in order to remember which was which, I set mine on the bar right behind the Christmas castle we have on the kitchen counter. I like castles, obviously, so that made perfect sense.

Then, I set Aaron's stocking on the other side of the bar.

I went about putting the movie in and getting that set up, when it started to smell kind of funny.

I looked over towards the kitchen just in time to see tiny flames climbing up Aaron's stocking.

Oh. No!

I ran over and quickly assessed the situation. One of the hanging puff balls on the stocking had fallen into one of the candles on the counter below.

I was able to blow out the fire easily, but I was too late to save the stocking.

I opened the back door to air out some of the smoke.

And then I stood there. I was so sad.


"Yeah?" he called from upstairs.

"I just ruined Christmas." (that has been our running joke this season.)

"What?" he asked confused.

"I set your stocking on fire."

"What?!" he said loudly now, and I heard him hurrying to come downstairs.

"You set a stocking on fire?" he asked again as he came down the steps. 

"Yes. Your stocking. I accidentally lit it on fire."

Aaron came into see. He, of course, thought it was funny. Which it was.

But I did love those stockings...

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