Friday, December 21, 2012

a Friday flashback

Today is my last day of work as Bensen and Keyen's full-time nanny. It is so very bittersweet. I am trying to think instead of how I will see them in a couple weeks when Aaron and I have a babysitting date lined up. It helps to have something to look forward to.

In honor of my last day, I thought I'd flashback to the very beginning of my time with Bensen and his family...

Let's flashback to...

October 2010...

Aaron and I had been married for about four months when I started to really get serious about finding a job. I turned in my application to several daycares and preschools, signed up for one of those nanny websites, and made it known that I was on the hunt.

It was weeks of finding nothing and un-encouraging phone calls and e-mails.

I was getting pretty desperate to find anything.

I should have know that God was preparing the perfect job for me.

One Sunday, I was talking to a friend at church, and she asked me if I had ever considered being a nanny.

I told her that I had, and especially at this point, I was considering anything.

She told me that her next door neighbors were considering getting a nanny because they were getting somewhat frustrated with their daycare. She told me that their little baby boy was sick all of the time. She asked if she could give her neighbor my number. I said yes, please do!

About a week later, I received my first phone call from Bensen's mom, Sherry. We talked on the phone for a long time, and what she was offering sounded absolutely perfect. I was very encouraged after talking to her, and was really hoping that I had finally found a job. Plus, taking care of a baby boy was right up my alley. I have always loved babysitting and babies and everything that goes along with that.

In early November, I went to their house to meet Sherry, Rodney, and Bensen, who was only 9 months old at the time. I remember the first time I saw Bensen... he had chubby little cheeks, curious eyes, and light brown hair that stuck straight up in the air. I just wanted to cuddle him.

I was very nervous, as this was the first official job interview I had ever been on. 

At the end, I thought it went pretty well, and I liked them all even more after meeting them in person.

A few days later, I got another call, and they offered me the position.

I was so thankful and honored that they would trust me with their new baby. I told her that Aaron and I would talk about it and that I would let her know.

To be honest, starting my job as Bensen's nanny was bittersweet just like the ending is now. It had nothing to do with the actual job, but instead, I had just spent five months spending every day with Aaron. I was pretty spoiled. But, we knew that this job would be perfect, and we knew this is what was best for our family at the time. 

I accepted the job, and my first day was the Tuesday before Thanksgiving in 2010.

On my first day, I didn't know what to expect. I guess you never know quite what to expect when you start a new job. Bensen was such a good baby though.

Sherry spent the first couple of weeks working from home, which was nice, so that I could get comfortable around the house with Bensen.

Soon enough, Bensen and I were on our own every day, and our adventure began.

Ten months later, Keyen came along. I can't imagine what it would be like without Keyen. He sure does add a lot of fun with his cute personality.

These past two years have been wonderful. I have grown so much and learned so much. I know being a nanny is not the same as having your own kids, but I believe it has taught me so much about raising children, and I think I will be a better mother some day because of what Bensen and Keyen have taught me.

I am sad that I won't see Bensen and Keyen as often, but I know that I will see them often enough, and I am glad we live close by. I look forward to being there for them as they grow up.

They will always be my sweet boys, and I love them very much.

Thank you, Rodney and Sherry, for everything. Love you too. :)

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