Monday, December 17, 2012

about Andrew's graduation

Last Thursday night, we had the honor of attending my brother-in-law, Andrew's, graduation ceremony. He just graduated from Basic Law Enforcement Training. It was an intense course that lasted only five months. He is now certified to be a police officer. Insanely cool! We are so proud of him!

The ceremony was pretty neat, I thought. I don't really know any police officers, so I don't know much about what they do besides the obvious stuff.

Let me just say, it sounds hard to become a police officer. Not for the faint of heart.

Andrew did it though, just like we knew he could! He's a real-life hero!

The processional

We scored a seat directly across the aisle. How convenient.

Receiving his diploma

Andrew and his mom

Aaron and his "little" brother. :)

Proud parents

The whole Bauer clan


1 comment:

  1. clearly, you married the best looking brother! :)
