Wednesday, December 5, 2012

a Penny post

Our little Penny girl has become quite the administrative assistant lately.

Last week though, she nearly got fired from being around any office supplies ever again...

We have been trusting Penny more and more lately to roam around the house out of her crate when we leave home. We have never left her for more than a couple hours at a time yet, and she has been doing great for almost two months.

Well, had been doing great.

Penny is quite mischievous (but cute), and has been plotting her secret plan for two months, obviously.

She waited until we trusted her absolutely, and when we went to dinner last week with friends for barely two hours, she made her move.

Oh, how I wish I had taken pictures.

We were greeted at the front door by our sweet puppy covered in black on her face and her paws.

It only took me a second to realize what had happened.


She skedaddled under the couch as fast as she could.

"AARON! Penny ate a PEN!"

We went into panic and rushed upstairs.

There, on our white carpet, were millions (that may be exaggeration) of pieces of plastic, half of one of Aaron's fancy pens, and a big, dark, black, ink spot.

Aaron began freaking out about the carpet.

I began freaking out about the effects of ink and pen parts on the stomach of a dog.

"This will never come out!!"

"What if she ate some?!"

"Come help me clean the carpet!"

"I have to make sure our puppy isn't going to die!"

And so on.

After coming to the conclusion that ink is not toxic really at all and also concluding the pen had been chewed to smithereens but not swallowed, I became aware that Penny was downstairs still covered in ink.

I started the bath water and went to find her.

Her little tail was peaking out from under the couch.

"Penny, you are in big trouble."

I dragged. Dragged. her out from under the couch.

The bath was clearly the worst punishment she could ever receive. She stared at me with sad puppy eyes and trembled the whole time.

Thankfully, the ink came out of her fur right away.

After she was clean, I could finally turn my attention to poor Aaron, who was still soaking ink out of the carpet.

After 20 more minutes of soaking and scrubbing, our carpet had just the faintest tint of gray in one spot, but unless you were staring at it, you couldn't tell.

Penny sulked the rest of the night.

Her master plan might have worked out, but she got hers.

Back in the crate she goes for all of our outings for a length of time TBD.

Oh, Penny...

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