Sunday, February 2, 2014

to introduce Gordon

Before Christmas, we lost our trusty Betta fish, Jonah. He had been with us since July of 2011 (who knew he would live that long?!). We were sad to see him go, but we were also excited because it's fun to get a new fish. We like having a fish because...I don't really know. But they are cheap and fairly easy upkeep. Plus, Betta fish are pretty, and we like to talk to our fish when we're in the kitchen.

So, we waited until after the holidays and our trip to Tennessee, and then we headed to Petsmart to pick out our next fishy companion.

We debated briefly about switching it up and getting a red Betta (our first two have been blueish...anyone remember Carl Winslow?). But, the blue ones are so pretty, and we quickly found one that looked lively and fun and stared at us from his little plastic cup.

We knew then that we had found our fish. And here I am to officially introduce...

Gordon Ramsey.

Aaron (and I, but Aaron really) loves Gordon Ramsey. Aside from his foul mouth, he is very smart and a great leader and funny. We love Hell's Kitchen and Masterchef. And we thought Gordon Ramsey was a great name for a fish that lives in the kitchen.

Gordon has fit in swimmingly. Penny doesn't really know he exists, but we pretend that they get along just great.

Welcome to the family, Gordon.

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