Wednesday, February 26, 2014

at full-term!

It's week 37, and we are officially full-term! Now that Graeme can safely come at any point, we are getting pretty antsy. But we know he will come just when he's supposed to, and the longer he stays where he is, the healthier he becomes. In the meantime, I am enjoying every kick, roll, and hiccup.

Aaron asked me if I would miss feeling him in there once he's born. I think I will a little bit, but having him kicking and hiccuping and squirming in my arms will be much more fun!

I am still feeling good, but I definitely feel pregnant. And people definitely notice now. Also within the past week or so, I have to pee so. much. I feel like I have to go again as soon as I stand back up basically. I get up at least four times during the night, sometimes more. I will definitely not miss that feeling.

Graeme is doing great too. We had an appointment this morning. He is head down and his heartbeat is in the 140s, per usual. It looks like he's pretty content in there still and nothing seems to be stirring yet. (That's good, so his Gigi and Pop can get home from Israel before he arrives). We will go back to the doctor next week and see if anything moves along in the next few days.

Now, we just wait! I am definitely nesting and trying to keep up with the cleaning and laundry. I don't want to be caught off guard with a dirty house when we have to leave for the hospital. Aaron has been "nesting" too. He got the very rare urge to clean out his desk this past weekend (to my delight). In the middle of it he said, " I nesting?!"

I can't believe March starts on Saturday and we can say, "Hey, we're having a baby this month."


(Well, he better come in March...)

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