Thursday, February 20, 2014

about (finally) reaching our Disney movie goal

Sometimes I jot down an idea for a blog post in a random place and then don't see it for quite some time after. This has happened.

I realized that I meant to document a milestone on the blog, but completely forgot to do it.

Some of you may remember when Aaron and I started out on a quest in February of 2012 (two years ago now!) to watch all (then) 51 Disney Animated Features before the 52nd, Wreck it Ralph came out in the fall of 2012. Well, that didn't quite pan out in the time span we had planned. Wreck it Ralph came and went, and we were still making our way through the Disney movies.

We started off strong, and we started off actually blogging the conversation we would have as we watched each movie. You can read our thoughts on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs through Peter Pan on our old blog. We gave up on the blogging after Peter Pan because it was getting to where we didn't look forward to watching the movies as much because it was too much pressure to keep typing up a conversation.

But, we didn't stop watching them. Slowly, but surely, we pressed on. We would usually go through a kick where we would watch a few in a row. But then the next movie would be one that neither of us was necessarily excited to watch. So it would take us awhile to work up the "nerve" to sit through it. Let's face it, Disney has put out some unfortunate movies. Not many, but a few.

It was just two months ago in December of 2013 that we finally finished. We watched Wreck it Ralph, which should have been our last one, but by then of course, the amazing Frozen had come out.

Now, we can officially say that we have watched all 53 Disney Animated Features in order. From Snow White to Frozen

My favorites:  Cinderella (you had to see that coming), Peter Pan, Tangled, Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmations, Frozen

My least favorites:  The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Chicken Little, Home on the Range, The Fox and the Hound, The Three Caballeros, Saludos Amigos

Aaron's favorites:  Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Fantasia, Sleeping Beauty, Meet the Robinsons, The Lion King, Lady and the Tramp

Aaron't least favorites:  Saludos Amigos, Melody Time, Chicken Little, Home on the Range, Brother Bear

Number of movies that didn't make me cry:  20ish

Number of movies that did make me cry:  33ish (especially The Fox and the Hound. I cried through the entire movie. The entire thing.)

It was a lot of fun (minus the boring/stupid movies, but even they were still fun to make fun of). It is also amazing to see the evolution of animation and storytelling since 1938 when Snow White was released. I'm not quite as into that as Aaron is. He loved to watch the "Making of" Bonus Feature on EVERY movie. Plus every other Bonus Feature. And then he read more about each movie beyond that. I just asked for the highlights.

We do love Disney and can't wait to share it's magical-ness with Graeme. We are seriously pumped to take him to Disney World sometime this year, Lord willing. Obviously he won't remember or care yet. But we will remember and enjoy taking him for the first time. Plus, he's still free!

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