Monday, March 18, 2013

how we do what we do

It's a gloomy day today. I am ready for the weather to make up it's mind. Cold. Hot. Cold. Hot.

Apparently I have grown allergies, because for the past week, my nose has been a waterfall, as well as my eyes. And the sneezing is constant.

Anyway, to the topic...

Our new season has begun. Here's how we are getting by so far (I'm sure it's not the only way to get by and I'm sure we have a lot to learn, but for now...):

So far, it is busy as expected, but with planning and scheduling, it's been great so far. Besides, Aaron and I sort of thrive on being busy. I'm sure that's a good and bad thing. (We do actually have this Friday and Saturday sans plans or responsibilities, so I promise we aren't overdoing it yet.)

During the week, Aaron is scheduled for about 10-12 meetings. Some are weekly meetings and some are random. I have been designated as his calendar keeper, so his meetings get planned through me. I like that, so I can prepare myself, as well as him for what the coming week looks like. 

Let me just say that Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, and Apple Reminders are my favorite things. I operate 5 different calendars: mine, Aaron's, one for us together, a Journey Kids calendar, and the meal planner. They all sync between my phone, iPad, and computer. I can invite people to events, set alerts, and color code everything. I. Love. It.

Aaron is typically busy during the day Sunday through Thursday. We try to keep Friday and Saturday generally free of plans when possible. We've also tried to keep the nights we are at home to four a week. 

Ministry jobs are tricky in that they aren't always 9-5. Aaron is basically on call whenever, so some weeks are harder than others.

I leave work by at least 2pm on Monday-Thursday, so I have about three hours at home before Aaron gets there to do laundry, cleaning, or errand running. I also use that time to blog or do other "me" things. That way, when he gets home, we can focus on being together.

I am still keeping up with my meal planning, which I love. I can only handle thinking a week ahead. I plan on Saturday and shop on Sunday evening for the coming week.

The budgeting is also getting easier. This month, I finally feel like I budgeted just right for everything. I was pretty pumped.

We are also still going to our gym. We'd of course love to go every day. Wishful thinking is five times a week. Reality is usually four times a week. Hey, it's something.

Another priority is keeping in touch with Bensen and Keyen. I am determined to not let this slip. We see them at least every other week, even if it's just stopping by for an hour. It's helpful that they live super close to us.

Things we aren't doing as well that we used to? Well, we unfortunately have lacked in plans with family and friends. They all live relatively far away from where we live and work. We obviously see Aaron's mom at work and have our Tuesday lunch, but it's not quite the same. We haven't been to the Bauers' since Christmas. We see everyone on Sunday in passing, but again, there's no time for family bonding or anything. And whereas I was seeing my parents every Thursday when I was a nanny, it's definitely a lot less now. And our friends...well, they just have to take us when they can get us.

It's a season, I know.

And it's what we are given to handle for now. Right now, I can't imagine having kids and doing all of this, but I don't have to. And I know that if this had been our life last year when I was working full-time, it would have sucked. But it wasn't like this last year. God always has us just where He needs us to be. He has worked everything out for us to be in a really good place for this busy time. We are having a blast.

So, there it is. It's not easy, but it's not hard. We aren't doing it by our own strength, and we firmly believe God has not and will not give us more than we can do with excellence. We have a few kinks to iron out still, but that should always be the case. We are works in progress. Always learning. Always growing.

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