Wednesday, March 27, 2013

about some of our heroes

I hate goodbyes. I do.

Now, a goodbye for an hour is one thing. A goodbye for a long time is another.

This week, we have been saying our goodbyes to our friends, the Via family. We have known Smooth and Kelly for six years. Aaron and Smooth have worked at Journey together, and we have also had the privilege of loving on three of their precious girls in Journey Kids.

Next week, Smooth and Kelly Via and their girls are hopping on a plane to Uganda. They are going to live with their adopted daughter, Chloe, because they could not get a visa for Chloe to come to America.

They have never given up fighting for Chloe since they started their adoption two years ago, even though they've faced many setbacks.

They are still fighting for her and they will never stop. Since they can't bring Chloe home right now, they will bring home to Chloe.

They are a beautiful picture of what Christ had done for us and an awesome example of His hands and feet.

We are going to miss them very much, but we are so excited for what God will do through them in Africa. Plus, they have a very excited daughter that can't wait to see her family.

Please check out their website and consider supporting them financially or through prayer. It's

If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 
Matthew 16:24-25

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