Thursday, October 31, 2013

about my birthday

Happy Halloween! 

Halloween means that my birthday has come to a close for another year. I feel like it keeps coming sooner and sooner, so I don't think it will be long before it comes around again. I guess that's part of growing up.

I had a wonderful 26th birthday thanks to all of my awesome family and friends. 

It all started last week with a family celebration of the three October birthdays we have (Aaron, me, and my almost sister-in-law).

Presents for everyone! (Mine were wrapped in Cinderella paper, of course.)

My mom made us a blackberry cobbler and my dad made homemade vanilla ice cream. YUM.

My birthday celebration continued the evening before my birthday when some of my favorite people stopped by for a visit. I didn't get any pictures with Bensen and Keyen, but I took pictures of all of the wonderful birthday gifts they brought me.

With all of this Disney princess stuff, you might think I'm only six. Don't judge though. I love it. Flowers, homemade cupcakes, and the two biggest birthday cards I've ever received!

I love those boys. They even brought something for Graeme.

I love it. (I was told it was going to be a onesie with owls on it, but Bensen insisted I didn't like owls. I'm not sure where he got that from!) I'm glad he was excited to pick out something all by himself. Graeme will look adorable in this one day.

On my actual birthday, Aaron started my day off with a sweet card that brought on some tears. He also bought me new cutting boards (mine were broken/falling apart) because I had been asking for new ones for a couple of months. And he got me a movie that I like. I hadn't expected either of those things because I had told him I just wanted him to take me shopping later that day. He's the best.

We went to work in the morning, and then we had our weekly lunch with my mom-in-law. I got to pick where we ate since it was my birthday, and they got me the perfume I love that I had run out of a few months ago.

Aaron left work a little early and we shopped around and had dinner together. I wouldn't want to spend my birthday with anyone but him. 

We skipped birthday dessert at the restaurant per my request because I knew I had this magical-ness waiting for me at home:

Our friend Julie made me a homemade ice cream cake. She makes AMAZING cakes!

Aaron and I both fell right to sleep that night. We even forgot to set an alarm! I guess that means it was definitely a great birthday.

Twenty six, here I am.

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