Wednesday, October 2, 2013

to celebrate sixteen weeks

Happy 16 weeks to Baby Bauer!

It's hard to believe that just eight weeks ago we were looking at an ultrasound of a little blob-looking baby that was only a little over a centimeter long. Now, our little one is supposed to be over four inches long. Woah. That's a lot of growing in eight weeks!

Also, according to some of the websites I read (however reliable they are...) say that the baby should be able to hear the sound of my voice within the next week. Talk about pressure. I mean, I feel like I really need to watch what comes out of my mouth now! 

I am also anticipating those first little flutters that are to come in the next few weeks. I don't think I've felt any yet. Not that I know of, at least.

Exactly three weeks from today, pending Baby's cooperation, we will know if we are having a sweet little boy or girl. I. Can. Not. Wait.

I am definitely enjoying pregnancy much more now that I'm not leaning over the toilet multiple times every day. I think...think...think...that I'm safe to say "morning" sickness is over. I've been fine for over two weeks now.

*Pardon while I knock on some wood.

With sixteen weeks down, there's only twenty four (ish) left. After this week of insanity with MISSION:FX is over, we are planning to get the baby's nursery in order. We have quite a bit of furniture to move around.

We have been insanely blessed with furniture for the baby. You may remember a post I wrote a very long time ago about when we got a crib.

It's sitting upstairs disassembled right now, but here's what it looks like:

Then, just a few weeks ago, some friends of ours at church said they had a changing table we could have if we wanted it. I didn't think much of it at first, but then she sent me a picture:

It's hard to tell, but it basically exactly matches the crib. And it is a dresser which is awesome. We were going to have to buy one.

We also already have a toy box/window seat that is the same color wood. I volunteered my mom to make a cushion for it once we have fabric picked out. And Aaron has a little bookshelf that matches the wood as well.

All that is left for us to worry about is some sort of rocking chair/glider/arm chair thing. Well, as far as the nursery furniture goes, at least. 

With the holidays coming up, I know time is going to start flying by. 

We can't wait to welcome you to the world, sweet Baby!

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