Wednesday, October 9, 2013

another weekly update

Alright, people. I'm back.

There's much to catch up on after our crazy weekend, but that will have to wait because it's Wednesday. And that means that Baby Bauer is another week older.

Happy 17 weeks, adorable, little baby!

It may say over there on the side of the blog that you are the size of an onion, but I'm sure you're much, much cuter than one. And smell way better.

It's been a good week for baby and me. I've continued to feel great. Hooray for no more nausea! I've also had a bit more energy. Although this cloudy weather doesn't help...

This week's negative has been... not sleeping well. You see, normally I sleep on my stomach. That, of course, is getting to be quite uncomfortable. But since I'm used to sleeping on my stomach, sleeping on my side or my back isn't comfortable either. After resorting to sleeping on the couch one night, I decided it was time to try a body pillow. I had read that they help. So far, it helps a little. I'm not completely sold on it, but it's better than nothing. 

Anyway, if that's the only thing I have to complain about, I'll take it.

We had an appointment on Monday and heard Baby's heartbeat again. This time they were able to find it with the little doppler thing. She kept finding it and losing it, but we did hear it for a few seconds. Everything was great, minus having to get a flu shot. I hate shots.

In just a couple weeks we will go back for our anatomy ultrasound. Ah! It is getting close!

People keep asking us if we have names picked out. The answer is:  yes. We are pretty settled on two names. And we are planning on announcing the name once we know the gender.

Stay tuned!

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