Monday, February 25, 2013

about Penny's car freak out and a Mexican diner

Just a warning up front:  this week will mostly be updates from our trip. Sorry if that gets annoying, but this blog also serves as our "journal," so, I try to keep up with things like that. I'll try to keep it as entertaining as always, of course. :)

Anyway, we've made it to Asheville!

After loading our rental car with supplies for what appears to be a months' journey, we were off.

We quickly learned that Penny was not okay with long car rides. After about an hour, she quivered and panted for the rest of the trip. We stopped once and she loved that. And she was fine once we arrived. But, she was not a fan of the car for some reason.

Nonetheless, the mountains and sunset were a welcome sight.

After getting settled into our room, we started discussing what to do for dinner. We experienced a small setback when my hair became horribly stuck on the button on the pillow.

But, after Aaron finally untangled me, we searched Yelp! for a fun place to eat dinner. We like checking out local places when we're out of town, and after some debate, we decided on what looked to be a winner. It had great reviews on Yelp!, Trip Adviser, and Urbanspoon.

Now, this particular restaurant decision was first amusing to us because we never choose to eat Mexican food willingly. I make tacos at home. But I would say they are very American. A Mexican restaurant we chose, however.

And not just any Mexican restaurant. A Mexican restaurant in an old diner. We just knew we were in for a good time.

And, guys, "Nachos and Beer," (yes, that's the real name) did not disappoint. I'm not being sarcastic either. The food was really good.

And the icing on the cake was the amusing decor.

Oh boy! What a fun diner!

That's an odd name for a diner...

And then it starts to make sense.

Notice the Sombreros on the shelf? They were next to models of classic cars.

Hollywood meets Fiesta

El jukebox y Sombrero

Piñata anyone?

Our first day was definitely a success. Tomorrow we explore Asheville in the morning before heading onto Sevierville, TN for the next two nights. I can't wait to see my grandparents!

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