Wednesday, September 18, 2013

about my first trimester

According to my due date, Baby Bauer is 14 weeks old today! Time has not gone by slowly, necessarily, but it's not felt like it's flying by either. Some days I feel like I've been pregnant for so long, and I can't believe how much time is left. 

I like being pregnant though, and I cannot get over that there is a tiny little human growing inside of me. Woah. That's insanely amazing.

The first trimester was not too bad, I don't think. 

I didn't have any pregnancy "symptoms" until around six weeks. Then came the heartburn. Awful heartburn. Followed by a couple weeks of nausea. That whole "morning sickness" thing really needs a new name that encompasses the whole day.

Around week nine or ten I felt much better for a few consistent days. I thought I was out of the woods. But then it came back in full force and I was throwing up every meal except dinner for a week or so.

The past couple weeks I have had more good days than bad, which has been nice. I'll have a couple days where I feel fine and all food tastes good, and then there will be a day where even the thought of certain foods makes me gag.

The rumors say that any day now I should feel like I'm on top of a cloud and that I could run a marathon or something. We'll just see about that. (And pray that's true!)

Aaron has been very wonderful of course, and he has taken excellent care of me. Any time I throw up, he stands at the door and asks if I want anything. I never do, but it's still sweet of him to ask. Then he just adds whatever food that just made me sick to the list of things "the baby doesn't like."

And some might fault him for laughing at me when I cry over things all the time. I already cried a lot, and pregnancy has multiplied it greatly. But I can't get upset with him for laughing at me when I cry, because even I know that I'm crying over ridiculous things.

I've not yet played the "I must have this certain strange and random food right now. Please go get it for me," card yet. I've thought about it, tossed some things around, but not made the official request as of yet. And Aaron is always nice to at least offer to go when I say something like, "Oh, scallops would be so good right now!"

Things that have not made me sick and that I like to eat so far are:  Goldfish crackers, Greek yogurt, apples, bananas, berries, bagels, and mashed or baked potatoes.

Things that may or may not have made me sick but just don't sound good at all currently are:  eggs in any form, salsa, vegetables that I normally love (squash, zucchini, broccoli, spinach), chicken that I cook (chicken from somewhere else is fine), and bacon (weird, right?).

There are probably more things for each list, but you get the general idea.

It's definitely been a fun adventure so far, and we are enjoying and praising God for every minute of it. The sick parts might not be so fun, but if that means the baby is growing and healthy in there, I'll take being sick any day.

Although, I won't be complaining when the sick part is over...

1 comment:

  1. I apologize that I haven't offered my congratulations yet, I've been out of commission, but I would like to say officially that I am so, so happy for you two! This is wonderful news and I know you two will be fantastic parents. I really enjoyed this post - I've read a lot of pregnancy posts in my time that complain and I love that you are focusing on the positive parts. I hope the nausea does indeed end soon and that the rest of your journey is smooth sailing!
