Tuesday, June 25, 2013

about trips and vacations

Just when I feel like we are back in our "normal" (if you could even call it normal) routine, we are getting ready to turn around a leave again. Yes, on Monday, we leave for five days in Florida to visit my dad's side of the family.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see my family, some of whom I haven't seen in three years. But, traveling does get a little tiring.

I don't know if I've expressed to my husband how much it means to me that he is willing and happy to travel on three family trips this summer with me when he is completely swamped with stuff at Journey. He also took a week off to whisk me away on a cruise vacation. And, on top of all of that, he is taking kids to two different camps in July, plus speaking six sessions at a camp that has nothing to do with our church. He never ceases to amaze me, and I know he will do all of them with excellence.

Anyway. A busy summer seems normal to me because I grew up visiting both sets of grandparents every summer. I mean, that's the only time we really saw them. They both live far enough away that it can't be a weekend trip. But since Aaron and I have been married, we haven't been able to join in on the family trips. We would save up our vacation days to use on the two of us. 

Sometimes, you have to prioritize, even when it's hard.

I've definitely hated not visiting my grandparents, but we knew that if we used days off to visit them, we would have no vacation alone. And we have definitely set vacation alone as a major priority around here.

I mean, I think there's a big difference between a trip and a vacation.

I encourage any couple to set aside at least one week a year to go on a vacation alone. No kids. No pets. No one you know. It might not be a full week at a time. Maybe three days here and there. But, do it. Go on vacation with your spouse. If we still need vacation after three years of marriage, I imagine everyone does.

For us, we've made a deal to always have something planned on the calendar to look forward to. It may be a few months away, but it's planned, paid for, and a light at the end of the tunnel.

This doesn't have to be something super expensive. I mean, of course we wish we were headed to Disney World every few months. But, a Groupon to Wilmington for a long weekend is a battery re-charge too!

That way, when work seems overwhelming, I can hardly bring myself to cook one more meal, or people around us are driving us crazy, we can say, Hey, just think, in a couple months we will be relaxing on a _________ in __________ and having so much fun.

You get the idea.

While we're on this topic, I better get to hunting down a vacation deal. Our cruise is over, and unfortunately, these family-filled trips and camps this summer do not count as our next vacation to look forward to! :)

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