Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy January 2014! (and week 29)

We will just kill two birds with one stone here since it's the first of the month and a Wednesday...

First of all, Happy New Year!

Aaron woke up yesterday with a bad feeling of dizziness whenever he moved around (not sure what's wrong with him). Needless to say, our New Year's Eve was spent on the couch watching movies. Not that I'm complaining about that. The movies and couch I mean...I am sad that he is sick. He still feels off today, but hopefully he will feel better tomorrow. Otherwise, to the doctor he goes.

Yesterday we knocked out two of our Disney movies. We are SO close to finishing our over year-long quest of watching all of the Disney animated features in order. We were blogging about them too, but after Peter Pan, we decided it was more fun to just watch them. It took us so long because, 1:  we are busy a lot, and 2:  we would tend to get stuck on one we didn't care to watch for a long time until we made ourselves sit down and do it. Yes, even we admit that not all Disney movies are winners. Anyway, we only have three left! (Four, if you count Frozen, which we've already seen.)

Ok, now that I've gone off on two rabbit trails, let's get down to the real reasons for this blog post.

It's a new month in a new year, and here's what we have coming up in January...

  1. Alyssa's wedding.   My good friend Alyssa that I've known since before I started dating Aaron is getting married on Saturday. She and I were "nanny buddies" for a long time and would get our kiddos together every other week. Now that we've both moved on to other jobs, I don't see her as much, sadly. I'm so excited for her as she finishes school and gets married.
  2. Childbirth class.    Aaron (and let's face it, me too) is a little nervous about this. We start a two week class on Sunday afternoon. Each class is three hours long. I'm sure they will be helpful, but I'm not so sure I'll remember everything when I'm actually having this baby. Either way, it will be good to get a better idea of what we're about to embark on in a couple months. Especially for Aaron, who is basically terrified of the whole labor thing.
  3. INFUSE.   We leave next Wednesday for what will be our last INFUSE retreat for the foreseeable future. It will also be our last little "getaway" before Graeme arrives. Aaron will be busy most of the time, but I will get to enjoy a couple days hanging around central TN.
  4. Baby shower.    We are having a baby shower at Journey this month. If you go to Journey and know us and haven't gotten an invite, consider this to be it. And see me on Sunday for details. We've tried to get to everyone, but it's easy to miss people on a busy Sunday!
  5. Lisa and London birthdays.   My mom-in-love and my niece celebrate back-to-back birthdays this month. London will be two, which is crazy!
  6. Bensen and Keyen date.    A babysitting date with two of my favorite boys is in the works. I love that we still get to see them at least once every month. They are excited to meet Graeme, and they've already passed a lot of super nice things down to him.
I think that wraps up January in a nutshell. I'm also working hard to continue to stay ahead at work. My goal is to have March completely done and ready by the end of January (February is done and just waiting to be packed). And then I want to have April done by the end of February. And to have May at least started before I take off a month or so in March. That probably sounds confusing, but I know what I mean.

Ok, last thing:

Happy 29 weeks to me and Graeme!

We had a great appointment on Monday and everything is looking good and on track. We saw one of our favorite doctors, so that was a plus. He assured us "there's a baby in there," as we listened to my favorite heart beat. He's a funny doctor. Not on purpose. But he makes us laugh because of how he says things. Anyway. It was a quick and easy appointment compared to the last one, and we go back in two weeks. They will see us every two weeks until week 36. Then we will go every week.

I am still feeling great. I really think that exercising throughout my pregnancy (minus a few weeks at the beginning when I would have thrown up during exercise) has helped a ton. I go to the gym at least five times a week and do 30 minutes on the elliptical. I've only gained about 7 pounds so far. Yay.

Graeme is kicking up a storm still and he's all over the place in there. It's fun to watch him move around.

His room is missing three components, and pictures will come soon. After our shower, we will see what else is left to get in order to be "ready," if there is such a thing. But, you know, diapers, stroller, car seat, and things like that are quite necessary still.

Only 11 more weeks until our due date!

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