Thursday, September 25, 2014

wondering where six months has gone...

There is six months of growing right there for you. Goodness! I love each new day with Graeme, but sometimes I wish there was a way I could hold that tiny, just born baby again.

My little 8 pounds, 6 ounces; 20.5 inches newborn has grown into a 19 pounds, 11 ounces; 29 inches(???!!!) six-month-old. 

I know everyone says it (namely, people who are parents):  "It goes by so fast!"

Yeah, it really does.

Graeme is halfway to his first birthday, and he's not slowing down. This kid is ready to move, move, move. He so wishes that he could walk or crawl or something. I don't suppose it will be long before he's really on the move. For now, he rolls to get to where he wants to go. The doctor said he may skip right to cruising next. Oh dear.

What else is new with Graeme this month?

1.  He started eating vegetables.

He's a pretty big fan of the veggies he's had so far. Butternut squash seems to be his favorite currently, but he likes carrots, yellow squash, and green beans too. We're still working on the sweet potatoes. If they are mixed with yellow squash, we can trick him into eating them. He eats vegetables just once a day for now. 

2.  He dropped his dreamfeed.

One night when he was about five and half months, I just decided to see what would happen if we didn't do the dreamfeed. He ended up sleeping until morning, to my delight. A full 12 hours of sleep! For the next few nights, I would give it to him if he woke for it, which he did a couple times. Other than that, we didn't give it to him. After a few nights, he stopped waking up for it. Now, we've had a slight setback in the past week or so, and our nights have been very unpredictable due to teething, stomach issues, and vaccines. I'm praying we will get back to normal soon. The poor kid has had a rough week.

3.  He can sit (pretty well) by himself and loves it.

I feel like this happened in one day where all of a sudden he was really, really good at balancing and sitting. He still needs to be on a soft surface or have his Boppy pillow around him unless we are right there watching him because he topples every once in awhile. But, he's usually good for quite a few minutes on his own. It's opened up this whole new world for him and he loves all of his toys so much now that he can sit there and manipulate them better.

4.  He makes identifiable sounds and is beginning to recognize names.

Graeme can say "Ma-ma," "Ba-ba," and "Pa-pa" these days. Now, I'm not sure he associates these words with things yet, but sometimes I swear he is asking for his "bottle," or he looks at me when he says "Mama," or he is asking for "Penny (pup pup)." I could be crazy. Either way, he says them, and I do think he knows that I am "Mama/Mommy" even if he isn't saying my name knowingly. He also knows Aaron is "Da-da/Daddy" even though he hasn't said that yet. He appears to recognize his own name. And he looks around on the floor when Penny is mentioned. So cute.

5.  He is getting teeth.

One tooth is through and you can feel it. Aaron noticed it Saturday night while we were at dinner. The doctor told us she is pretty sure she could see the one next to it on its way. (You can see white right beneath his gum.) The second one hasn't popped through yet, but the very clingy-more fussy than usual-not sleeping as well baby has me believing it is for sure coming soon. I can't believe he's getting teeth already!

Well, I think those are the major milestones from the past month, although I'm sure there are more I failed to remember. Six months have come and gone so fast! What a joy this little boy is in our home. I cannot imagine life without him.

We love you, Graeme Grayson!

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