Wednesday, September 3, 2014

about our little cowboy

Graeme may only be five months old, but he possibly already has a career in the bag.

A cowboy.

Here is the story of his first experience at herding cattle. Will it be his last? Hard to say...

We went to visit my grandparents in Sevierville, Tennessee in the middle of August. They live in the beautiful Smoky Mountains and they happen to be right next to a field that is the home to several cows. The cows don't stay in the field during the day. Their fence allows them to go up the mountain into the trees. However, in the evening, before they go to the barn, they make their way back to the field. 

One evening we were getting ready for dinner, and we noticed that the cows were in the field. They were pretty far off, but we took Graeme over by the fence to see them. He, being a baby with not the greatest vision yet, probably could see nothing of the cows. But, of course, this was our version of him seeing his first cow in person.

This is what it started out like:

Clearly, all cows are pretty far off in the distance.

Graeme, who was happy to be outside, started to make what we call his "baby dinosaur screech." It's a happy scream/squeal/screech noise that he makes, that, well, sounds like a dinosaur.

I turned away for a second and heard my mom say, "Look! There's a cow walking over here!"

Sure, enough, a big, black cow made it's way over to the fence right in front of us.

This was pretty exciting. Graeme could definitely at least see it now. He was still screeching up a storm.

Then, we looked across the field to see even more cows making their way over.

There were two.

Two more were on their way with others in the distance showing interest.

What is even happening?!

Graeme kept screeching and the cows kept coming.

Before long, there were about fifteen cows staring at us just four feet away. And my grandma pointed out that the giant bull was coming over as well.

The pictures don't quite do it justice.

So, if Graeme is ever struggling to make a career choice one day, we can remind him of what his true calling might be.

Giddy up, pardner.

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