Sunday, April 28, 2013

about Timothy and our cool job

The other day I was reading Paul's second letter to Timothy in God's Word.

Paul says to Timothy,

"I remember your honest and true faith. It was alive first in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice. And I am certain that it is now alive in you also." (1:5)

And a little later in the same letter Paul says,

"But I want you to continue to follow what you have learned. Don't give up what you are sure of. You know the people you learned it from.  You have known the Holy Scriptures ever since you were a little child. They are able to teach you how to be saved by believing in Christ Jesus." (3:14-15)

Reading these words was an instant reminder of why our job is so cool and why we do what we do. Aaron and I both have a desire for parents to be the spiritual leaders of their kids. God says that faith should be passed down from generation to generation: just like Timothy learned about God from his mom, who learned it from her mom, who learned it from her family, and so on.

When a little child begins to learn about following Jesus at a young age, it will stick with them forever. They might ignore it sometimes, but there's no doubt that those truths are instilled in them. And one day, Lord willing, they will follow Jesus and in turn teach their own children.

At Journey, we exist to be a resource for parents. There's no way we can be the spiritual leaders of everyone's kids. That's not our job. But, we will do anything we can to equip parents to lead their kids to Jesus.

We begin giving parents "parent cues" as soon as they drop off their newborn baby with us, and we continue to partner with parents through high school.

In May, we are offering a brand new class for parents of kids in elementary school called "True Story." It's a class to start parents and their kids on the most important conversation they will ever have: the conversation about God's big rescue story.

I am so excited about this, and I hope we have a good turn out.

Have I mentioned that I love what we get to do?

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