Wednesday, July 23, 2014

after four months of Graeme's life

Oh my goodness! Graeme Grayson is four months old today!

We got the worst part of turning four months old over this morning:  the shots. He had to get three needle sticks. I cannot even watch. Aaron stands with him because my heart can't take it. Thankfully, it was over quickly. We gave him Lovie and his bottle and he was calmed down in no time. For the rest of the day, he's been his normal, smiling self. He didn't have any bad reactions to his two month shots, so hopefully he won't for these either since they're the same ones. 

He weighs 17 pounds and is 26 inches long. He's back on the charts for his height, but he's in the 91%! What a growing boy we have.

This past month has brought so many changes...

Graeme can roll over both ways, although he doesn't do it it very often. He is so funny about it. Some days we'll encourage him to do it all day with nothing. Some days I leave the room for a second and he's flipped over when I come back. 

He laughs. The first time Graeme really, really laughed, Aaron and I were both there. Aaron stuck his tongue out, and Graeme must have thought it was pretty funny. He let out a little laugh like we had never heard before. We spent the next twenty minutes trying to get him to do it over and over. Now, he laughs often. He thinks his Daddy's crazy voices are pretty funny. He laughs when you blow raspberries on his cheek or his stomach. For some reason, he thinks the chorus to "Love Shack" is funny.

He sleeps all night! Woo hoo! This is pretty recent, but I'm believing it's for good! He sleeps from 7pm-7am with a quick feeding around 11pm. There have still been a couple nights where he'll fuss in the middle of the night, but I make sure he can reach Lovie and he goes right back to sleep. I'm pretty excited about this.

He's getting really good at soothing himself to sleep. The nights and naps when he cries when we lay him down are few and far between now. He usually just talks or makes a kind of fussing sound until he drifts off. This is so nice, because I hated hearing him cry after we stole the pacifier.

He is completely enamored with his Daddy. It is so, so adorable. When Aaron comes home, all Graeme does is stare at him and smile. If I'm feeding him, and Aaron walks in, he stops eating to smile at him. He really adores him.

I can't believe that we have had Graeme around for one-third of a year now. He is growing and learning and melting us into little pieces every day with his sweet smile. We love you, Graeme.

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