Wednesday, March 5, 2014

with two weeks left?!

Today marks exactly two weeks until our due date. We know that we could go at any time now, so it's very exciting! I know that I could also go past my due date, but we are staying positive and hoping Graeme comes SOON (or at least not too many days after his due date!). We will be thrilled whenever he comes and know that God's timing will be perfect. 

We've waited this long, so these last weeks are only seemingly long. We are just so ready to love Graeme in person! We love him more that we knew possible already, and we just know the love will expand enormously when we meet him face to face. And to think that God loves him even more is wonderful. It's an amazing reminder of God's love for us. He loved us unconditionally before we were even on this earth, and He knew everything about us (the bad stuff too!).

We will love Graeme unconditionally no matter how long he keeps us up at night, what he looks like, how he does in school, who he marries, or how many times he royally screws up. And we can only love Graeme like that because God loves us so much more than that. Being parents won't always be easy, but we are so excited to start this adventure together. Graeme is not ours really, but God's, and he's given to us for just a small season. We pray that we can use our short time with our son to instill truth and love and selflessness and honesty and so many other things. We never want to take a day for granted, even when we're exhausted or at the end of our rope. It's a big job, but, thankfully, we aren't alone.

Anyway. Back to the weekly update...

I am keeping busy. There's a lot of work for me to do at Journey again now that May curriculum is out. That helps a lot so I'm not just sitting around and bored like I was last week. I have a lot of energy, which is nice. I suppose that's part of the "nesting" that you are supposed to experience at the end of pregnancy. Don't worry though, I'm trying to make sure I get plenty of rest too.

It doesn't bother me to be on my feet, and I figure gravity can do something to get this baby boy on his way down and out, right?!

Aaron and I had an appointment yesterday morning to check on Graeme and see if we were making any progress towards labor. Graeme is doing great in there. His heartbeat is strong and steady. He kept kicking while the heart rate monitor was on. I'd like to think he's trying to kick his way out of there...  I am 0.5 centimeters dilated (hey, it's better than nothing), and 50% effaced. Graeme has dropped a little bit more since the previous week too. At least we have some progress! The doctor said they will see us next week, and if we aren't there for our appointment, they'll know where we are!

I have Braxton Hicks contractions every day off and on. They have not gotten too bad yet. The worst symptom right now is the constant pressure on my bladder!

I am so thankful that I still feel good. No misery yet. Although if March 19th passes by, I'll probably start to feel miserable. At least mentally!

The other update for this week is that we just went to an "orientation" type thing at a pediatricians office. It's close by, recommended by close friends, and we loved the doctor that gave the orientation and tour. I feel great about the office so far, so unless something seems weird when we actually take Graeme for an appointment, I think we've found our pediatrician. They have weekend hours, a 24-hour open phone line to a nurse, and walk-in sick hours almost every day. Sounds good to me.

Well, friends, you never know:  this might be my last weekly update!

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