Wednesday, May 21, 2014

about two-month-old Graeme

Our sweet Graeme will be two months old on Friday. Our baby is growing fast, but on the plus side, every day is more fun than the last!

At two months old, Graeme is...

  1. Smiling, "talking," and making an adorable laugh/squeal sound. He loves to be talked to when he's awake, and he will just smile and smile at you. He has so much he wants to say back, but for now he makes his sweet baby talking noises.
  2. Loving baths. Remember how a month ago he still wasn't so sure about them? Well, those days are gone. He seems to be quite the water baby, which I am thrilled about. I love the pool and and ocean and all the water things. I hope Graeme does too.
  3. Sleeping well. He has reverted back to waking up twice at night to eat, but we are figuring it's just a phase for now. We can't complain because he only interrupts our sleep for like 20 minutes each time. He eats, gets changed, and falls back to sleep right away.
  4. Getting stronger. He holds his head up really well, and he's dying to be able to sit and stand already! He loves for us to hold his hands to help him balance while he sits up. And he loves to push himself into a standing position while we hold him under his arms. His face cracks us up because it looks like a mixture of intense concentration and him being really proud of himself.
  5. Figuring out his play gym. We bought him his gym a couple weeks ago, and within the past week he is really getting the hang of it. I've taken about 20 videos of him in it because it's so cute. He hits one of his animals, acts really surprised and happy, and then concentrates really hard to figure out how he can do it again.
  6. Flirting with himself in mirrors. If he sees himself in a mirror, he usually gets a huge grin on this face and starts cooing at his reflection.
  7. Growing hair. He's had quite a bit of hair since he was born, but for awhile, his head was growing faster than his hair. It's playing catch up now, and he has some adorable fuzz all over the front of his head.
  8. Sitting in his stroller front-facing. A couple weeks ago I decided to try Graeme in his stroller without the infant carrier. He was pretty fascinated looking forward I think! He loves walks, which Penny is especially glad for.
  9. Tracking Mommy and Daddy and turning towards our voices. Well, that obviously melts us. We love this boy.
Graeme Grayson is an absolute joy in our life. We say to each other every day what a wonderful baby he is. He has a sweet disposition, a smile that will make any day better, and he's just so snuggly.

We love you, Graeme!

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