Tuesday, June 10, 2014

about our party animal baby (and other things)

What a crazy week it's been. Excuse my absence on the blog. My brother is officially married as of Saturday, and I am so excited to have another wonderful sister-in-law.

The wedding weekend was a lot of fun, but it involved three late nights for our little guy who is accustomed to being in his crib at promptly 7pm every night. And we learned that he is definitely a boy who needs to be in his bed to go to sleep at night. No, he didn't cry and scream about it. But he just would not sleep. He's like a party animal. Couldn't miss out on any of the fun. He was happy and awake until really late every night of the weekend. Even on the car rides home. Not until he hit his bed would he be out for the night. Crazy kid. He's slept SO well since the wedding. We've had six hour stretches in his crib every night. It's been pretty great.

We got to see most of my extended family and introduce Graeme to many of his great aunts, great uncles, and second cousins.

He's now met all four of his great grandparents and his great-great grandma. I am so, so thankful that he not only has all of his grandparents around, but also their parents, and my dad's grandmother! What a loved boy by up to five generations!

In other news, Aaron and I celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary tomorrow. I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday. Usually, we take at least a week's vacation to celebrate this time of year. Our honeymoon was spent on a cruise, our first anniversary was a week at Disney, our second was a week at Daytona Beach with one day at Disney, and last year we went on another cruise.

This year, we are foregoing a long trip for obvious reasons, but we are taking the time to spend one night at Carolina Beach sans baby and dog. I am excited. I'll admit, I'm a little apprehensive to leave Graeme overnight for the first time. I'm not at all worried about the care he'll receive (my parents are keeping him), but I know I'll be sad to leave him when the time comes.

My excitement for a night away with Aaron will stop any tears as soon as we get in the car and head towards the ocean. I have no doubt that we are doing the right thing! Time away together alone will be non-negotiable, and we might as well start early. Going for one night will make going for longer easier the next time.

Check back tomorrow for a special, bonus blog post as I reminisce about the happiest day ever. June 11, 2010. Our wedding day.

Two more things...

One, I chopped my hair off! About a month ago, my hair that I had been growing out for like a year started to bug the crap out of me. It was SO long. But, I didn't want to cut it before the wedding so I could wear it up. I scheduled a haircut for the Monday right after the wedding, which was yesterday. My hair stylist, who is my friend and has been cutting my hair for like six years now, asked me what I wanted to do. And I said I just wanted to go for it. Cut it off. My two stipulations were as follows: no bangs and I wanted to be able to put it in a ponytail.

It's a pretty big difference!

Two, in not as fun news, when I was leaving to go get Graeme from my mom yesterday after my haircut, I noticed that my car felt weird to drive. At first I thought it was the road being bumpy. But it didn't stop. You know me and my lack of car knowledge, but I supposed I should pull over to check since I was still in my neighborhood. I also remembered that I thought I was supposed to turn my flashers on. I wasn't sure if it mattered in my neighborhood, but I did it anyway because it's not too often I get to push that button and I actually know where it is! I got out, and was disheartened to see that my back tire was totally and completely flat. Yuck. I made the short drive back to the house and called Aaron. My mom brought Graeme to me, and then Aaron came home early to mess with it. He surprised me and changed the flat tire himself! We drove it to the tire place and ended up having to replace it. The world just wants all of our money, I guess. I'm just glad I was not out on a big road and that Graeme was safe.

Lastly, I can't finish a post without at least one picture of my cute kid. He's eleven weeks old now, you know.

1 comment:

  1. Love your hair! You'll have a fabulous time at Carolina Beach - the view is amazing! And, Happy Anniversary!!
