Friday, August 8, 2014

about the time I became a fiancé

Aaron and I have a wall of clocks going up the steps in our house. There are seven clocks, of all shapes and sizes. We decided that instead of having seven clocks telling time and wasting money on batteries forever (who goes to the steps to look at the time anyway?), we would set the hands on each clock to a certain date that had meaning for us.

Four of the clocks hold our families birth dates (10:13, 10:29, 3:23, and 7:08). One is our anniversary (6:11). One is the day Aaron asked me to start dating him (11:02). And the last one is our engagement day (8:08).

Well, "8:08" stands for August 8th, which is today! Five years ago, Aaron proposed to me after nine months of dating. I had been in Tennessee with my family the entire week before, and while I was gone, he planned out an elaborate day. I won't take the time to tell the story, but it's one of my favorite ones. Right after it happened, Aaron and I started a blog and wrote out the story of our whole engagement day from both of our perspectives. You can read it starting here.

I remember thinking on that day, after I promised to love Aaron forever, that one year before I had been very single with not the slightest idea of a boyfriend. So much can change in just one year.

And so much more can change in five years!

Aaron, I love you! Being married to you is my greatest joy and the most fun adventure. Thanks for giving me a ring five years ago...and for not dropping it in the water on accident.

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