Tuesday, August 5, 2014

about my crazy mom brain (and such)

I'm finding that the blog gets picked almost last for "things I want/need to do when I have time."  I guess what it is is that I have to be relaxed and baby-free (or baby-asleep) to write well. If Graeme is asleep, but the house needs to be picked up or something else like that, I'm not relaxed. By the end of the day, when Aaron's home from his increasingly long work days and we can get Graeme asleep and eat dinner and take showers...it's also the last thing I can bring myself to do. Hence, the blog sits.

Today, the house is clean, the laundry is put away, and the baby is sound asleep. So, here I am.

Another look into my weird brain:  I have mentioned that I cleaned on Tuesdays. As Graeme gets older, he doesn't sleep as long during the day, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for me to finish cleaning everything while he was here. I tossed around moving cleaning day to Mondays and letting my mom keep him a little longer just so it could be done for the week, and therefore allow me to totally focus on him when he was here on Tuesdays. Even though no one cared but me and this is anything but a big decision, it took me a long time to decide this and change my cleaning day. I am so strange.

It's a bit hectic around here as of late. Aaron is in a new season at work that is temporarily taking a lot of his time. A lot of it. I can't complain at all, because he makes time for me and Graeme despite having so much to do. His team at Journey are some of my heroes. They help him with anything and everything and make sure he is home when he needs to be home. We guard Fridays and Saturdays as much as possible and keep them as family days.

What else is new?

Graeme is pretty much cuter every day. I told you we got some family pictures taken at the beach. They are on Facebook, but here are a few of my favorites:

We gave him cereal for the first time last week. You're supposed to make it really runny at first, so I think he liked it, but it kept falling out of his mouth. After a few days of making sure it didn't mess up his tummy, I made it a thicker consistency. The kid devoured it. He got so excited as the spoon came closer. He likes it a lot. The doctor told us to follow his lead with food, and he may be eating several things by the time he comes for his six-month visit. We will stick with the cereal for now as I gear up to attempt making my own baby food.

I'll end this post with another crazy mom story:

Graeme has been doing excellent with sleeping through the night. He sleeps about 12 hours with a quick dream feed still. We hardly ever hear him until morning now. Last night, I didn't hear him, but for some reason I woke up around 3am. I checked my phone to see the time, then looked at the video monitor. It took a second for my groggy eyes to figure out why Graeme looked funny. HE'S ON HIS TUMMY! I freaked out and ran across the hall to him. In my over-reaction, I picked him up to be sure he was breathing and of course woke him from what was probably a super-comfortable sleep. I felt bad, but he went right back to sleep. It took me awhile to come off my adrenaline high. I've heard from many people, including the nurses at the hospital, that once they can roll themselves like that, you shouldn't worry with flipping them back over. Next time he rolls his way onto his tummy, I suppose I'll leave him to it. After all, I sleep like that and it's definitely the most comfortable way to sleep!

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