Thursday, April 17, 2014

while Graeme (hopefully) naps...and about old chewing gum


I'm not saying that this is proven fact, but I think that because both sets of Graeme's grandparents were here for the majority of yesterday and held him for most of his naps, today he is not at all happy that mommy will not hold him all the day long. Hey, if it takes a day to get back in our groove, it's fine. Grandparent snuggles are worth it for sure. 

We've had three naps since we woke up this morning. Two lasted all of thirty minutes each. The third attempt we made it about an hour and 15 minutes. Now we will see what this nap holds. Seriously, the kid has got to be exhausted by this point! Here's hoping for a wonderful, long nap.

Yesterday, there was a meeting at work in the morning that lasted until lunch. My parents came up and watched Graeme so I could go. It was the first time I had done anything work-related since before Graeme was born. I definitely missed him a lot, but it was nice to be back at work for a morning. Next week I will be going to work with Graeme for a couple mornings, and once May hits, we will figure out my new schedule. My mom will be keeping Graeme and instead of working four short days like I did before he was here, I am planning to work two longer days. 

Anyway, after the meeting, I used my time without a baby in tow to stop by David's Bridal and try on and order the bridesmaid dress for my brother's wedding. I had been waiting until I wasn't pregnant to go get the dress. And I figured if I tried to go when I had Graeme with me it would be a little tricky in the dressing room. It didn't take long at all, and my dress should arrive in plenty of time before the wedding.

I relieved my parents yesterday for a couple of hours, but then we passed Graeme off again to Aaron's parents so we could go out on a date. It all happened to fall on the same day, and even though there was a short break in between the two times, it was the longest we had left Graeme. Eight hours total!

It was so nice to get out with just Aaron though. We went to Downtown Raleigh to eat dinner. We took our time and got to sit and talk for over an hour in a restaurant basically to ourselves because it was so early and the place was empty. After dinner, we opted out of a movie (our original plan) and walked around downtown instead. 

It was a little chilly! We wanted to find somewhere inside, but we were still too full to go to a coffee shop. And Raleigh is lame so all of the downtown shops were closed. I had the idea to go check on our gum. I can't remember if I've explained our gum on the blog before, but I'll do it again anyway...

December 31, 2008
On our first New Year's Eve as a "couple" (we still weren't Facebook official soo...) we spent the evening downtown with some friends. It was freezing, so while we waited for the acorn drop at midnight, we did our best to find places to stay warm. There is a Marriott hotel right next to all of the New Year's Eve festivities, so we meandered in there. We stumbled upon their parking garage underground that was basically deserted. It was here that the four of us planned the ultimate empty parking garage roller blading laser tag game. And it was here that Aaron became sick of chewing his gum.

He found this pillar:

December 31, 2008

...and he stuck his gum behind it.

We used to go check on our gum pretty frequently. It was even part of my engagement day scavenger hunt.

August 8, 2009

So, last night, I happened to think of it, and we decided to go check. The parking garage is still pretty empty. Although, they use Level P1 to house cop cars now. I got a little nervous that a police officer was going to jump out and think we were up to no good. I'm not sure "Oh! Sorry! We are going to check if a five-year-old wad of chewed gum is on this certain pillar down here!" would fly as a good excuse.

We made it to our pillar safely, however, and sure enough, there was our gum.

April 16, 2014
We left the parking garage in disbelief that the gum has been there for over five years.

On New Year's Eve of 2008 we had just begun a relationship. We had only been dating for less than two months. I didn't even refer to Aaron as my boyfriend. Heck, I was still completely tongue-tied when I talked to him!

Now, our gum is still there, but we've come so very far. Five years later, we're almost four years into marriage, in a house, with a dog, and we have a baby!

I really hope the Marriott Convention Center parking garage Level P1 never undergoes a major cleaning. I hope in 50 years we can hobble down the steps (or maybe use the elevator at that point) and still be able to find our gum on that random pillar.

I suppose I shouldn't press my time any longer and go do some things that aren't as fun (aka fold laundry) while the little one is still asleep. 

Happy Easter weekend!

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