Sunday, December 28, 2014

about Graeme (nine months old?!)


Graeme and I are both a little sick today, so I am taking advantage of our church's live stream, doing about five loads of laundry from our overflowing hampers, and catching up on the blog!

There's a lot to write and get up here, but first I have to catch up and do Graeme's nine month post. He turned nine months on the 23rd, but then we had quite a few busy days!

His little "Lambert" keeps getting smaller and smaller next to him...

Graeme did so much during his ninth month of life and seemed to transform into much more of a little boy than a baby.

...He started crawling two nights before he turned nine months. It was the perfect moment. Aaron and I were both sitting and watching him play upstairs in our loft. Out of nowhere, he just started crawling to get to something he wanted. We stared at each other with our jaws dropped and then went crazy with praising our little mover. It's only been a week, and he gets better at it each day. He's also pulling up a lot more and cruising a little bit. We did some major baby-proofing this past week. Bumpers on our coffee table and a gate at the top of the steps were the two major additions.

Those legs go on and on and on.
...He continues to sprout up. At his nine-month appointment, he was 31.5 inches long. This is 11 inches taller than when he was born. So he's grown more than an inch each month. His chart for height is quite interesting - seeing the line for the 99% and then Graeme's line going up past it at a pretty steep angle. She told us he's the average height of a 16-month-old! He is thankfully, very healthy and growing perfectly so far. His weight was in the 81% at 21 pounds, 10 ounces. We have the go ahead to introduce a lot of different foods and start transitioning him to relying more on solids and using cups. I can't believe we just have three-four more months of bottles and formula! Although our bank account won't miss buying formula. Ha!

He is a big fan of puffs. DEVOURS them.

You can sorta make out the top teeth this in this picture...
...This past month his top teeth finally popped through! They were a much worse experience for him, the poor kid. He's now the proud owner of four cute teeth. They really threw his night time sleep for a loop. We got in the bad habit of going in and comforting him, so then when his teeth were through and shouldn't have bothered him anymore, he was still waking up for middle of the night snuggles. As much as I love to snuggle him, we knew it wasn't good for him or us to keep this particular routine going. We went through one really bad night of him screaming for almost an hour from midnight to 1am. Aaron and I took turns going in to pat his back and tell him we loved him every 10 minutes. Finally, he fell asleep. The next night was better with only 30 minutes of not nearly as loud crying and us only going in there twice. And by the third night, he didn't wake up at all! Yay! He's had a couple more nights of waking up around midnight, but then it only takes him less than 10 minutes to get himself back to sleep. Crisis averted.

...I know I say this like every month, but it honestly keeps getting more fun. Graeme is starting to really show that he understands what we are saying and remembers how things work or where things are. He says "Da-da" all day long every day, and will also throw in the occasional "Pa-pa" for Penny. He also says "Ba-ba" which seems to either mean "bye-bye" or "bottle" on different occasions. He still loves to clap and will wave when he's in the mood. He loves peek-a-boo, hide-and-seek, and sneaking up behind someone to "get them." He knows all about lights and fans and knows that the remote works the fan in the living room. He tries to reach up and touch the lights whenever he goes under one at my parents' apartment building. He LOVES baths and thinks it's so funny to splash and get everyone soaking wet. His favorite book, or at least the one he knows the best right now is Goodnight Moon, and he knows right where it sits in his room. I could go on and on, but I won't. This kid makes any day better, seriously.

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